Nutri-STAT Testing

Comprehensive Nutritional Status

Cardiovascular, Thyroid, Hormone, Vitamins, Organic Acids, Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids and mineral and metal testing.

Food Intolerance Testing

Cyrex Array 10

The Cyrex Array 10 is a multiple food immune reactivity screen using the ELISA method. There are 10 advanced technologies used in the Cyrex Array 10 that make it the gold standard for food sensitivity testing.

Dual-antibody test, evaluating both IgG and IgA antibodies.

The Cyrex Array 10 is unique in that it analyzes 180 cooked, raw, and modified foods, depending on how the foods are usually consumed. Heating a food to 118 degrees or more changes the protein structure and antigenicity.

Tests for reactivity to common food combinations in addition to the individual food proteins. It tests for reactivity to binding isolates such as plant-derived lectins and agglutinins. Cyrex detects both the whole food immune reactivity and the possible reactivity to a small specific peptide within that whole food, using a targeted protein amplification process.

Tests for reactivity to meat glue or reformed meat. and reactivity to cross-reactive antigens and pan-antigens which can cross-react with human tissue. Artificial food colors, small-molecule chemicals, and oil proteins (called Oleosins) are also tested.

Antibodies to large gum molecules which can cause immune reactions, particularly helpful for gluten free diet because gluten-free products often have gums to hold ingredients together.

All tests are performed in duplicate samples resulting in close to zero probability of error.

The Igenex Lyme Test
IgM & IgG Anti-bodies are Tested

This test incorporates a Western Blot for both IgM and IgG antibodies. IgM antibodies are present in an active or recent infection. IgG antibodies are produced once the infection has been present for a while, typically 6 weeks or longer. This test is more sensitive than the CDC’s version in that it only wants to see 2 or more IgG anti-body bands as opposed to the CDC who want to see 5 or more IgG anti-body bands. This lab also ranks the intensity of the bands from none-low-medium-high so if there is only one band present but it is high than there is still a chance the bacterium is present.

Whole Blood & Serum PCR

This test uses a DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction to look for parts of the Bb organism throughout the blood. This helps complete the testing as the immune system may be too weak or tricked by the spirochete organism and may not be able to produce anti-bodies. This test is actually looking for the real DNA pieces of Bb.

Urinary Kryptopyrrole Testing

The Mauve Factor test (formerly known as Kryptopyrroles) is a urinary test which analyses the level of HPL, a neurotoxic substance found in high levels in schizophrenia, autism, ADHD, alcoholism, violent offenders, and other mental health disorders. High levels of the Mauve Factor are associated with vitamin B6 and zinc deficiencies, and treatment with these nutrients results in symptom resolution, as well as lowered levels of the urinary mauve factor.

DUTCH® Complete Hormone Test

The most comprehensive assessment of adrenal and sex hormones available, measures the production and breakdown of your hormones

       Organic Acids Testing (OAT)

Provides information on energy production, fat metabolism methylation, carbohydrate metabolism, bacterial and fungal metabolism, oxidative stress or tissue damage and neurotransmitter production, genetic errors, enzymatic defects and poor detoxification processes

Neurotransmitters Test

With Metabolites (Neurobiogenic Amines Comprehensive) or without Metabolites (Neurobiogenic Amines – Basic).

Urinary neuro-biogenic amines provide an overall assessment of a your ability to synthesise and metabolise neurotransmitters, both in the periphery and, for some enzymes, behind the blood-brain barrier as well.

Complete Microbiome Mapping stool

The gold standard in stool testing PCR (quantatitive): Parasites/Worms, Opportunistic Bacteria, Fungi/Yeast, Bacterial Pathogens, Viral Pathogens, Beneficial Bacteria; plus GIT markers inc. Faecal Occult Blood, Calprotectin, Pancreatic Elastase, sIgA, Zonulin, -glucoronidase, Short Chain Fatty Acids

  Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) breath test

Hydrogen & Methane breath test for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth

Extensive Thyroid Panel

Comprehensive analysis of thyroid hormone metabolism. It includes central thyroid gland regulation and activity, thyroid production and secretion, peripheral thyroid conversion, and thyroid autoimmunity. The Extensive thyroid panel allows the practitioner to pinpoint common imbalances that may be causing chronic illnesses. The comprehensive panel measures levels of TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3, anti-TG antibodies, and anti-TPO antibodies to assess central and peripheral thyroid function, as well as thyroid auto-immunity.

Genetic Testing & Reports


Genetic Screening gives you more information as it screens for thousands of genes which include the MTHFR genes. You also need to be aware that these results may be checked by insurance companies and in the future you may be denied insurance on the basis of these results.


Once you’ve created an account and ordered the test, it will be mailed out to you within about 2 weeks.

You collect the sample (saliva) and mail it back to them.

Once the sample is processed in about 6 weeks or so, you should receive a notification that your raw data is ready.

Log into your account, go to the top right-hand corner where your name is, and hover over the drop-down box.  Click on ‘browse raw data’.

In the top right-hand corner click on ‘download’.  This provides you with a zip-file document containing lots of numbers.

Upload the raw genetic data into Sterling’s App or Stratagene which will generate a smaller colour-coded report that can be analyzed by your practitioner.


MycoTOX screens for eleven different mycotoxins, from 40 species of mold, in one urine sample.

MycoTOX is the most comprehensive and competitively priced mycotoxin test available.

MycoTOX uses advanced mass spectrometry (MS/MS), which is necessary to detect lower levels of these fungal toxins. This test is optimal for follow-up testing to ensure that detoxification therapies have been successful.

Currently measuring 11 different mycotoxins in our test from a wide variety of 13 mold types (genera) including Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Myrothecium, Stachybotrys, Bipolaris, Gibberella, Chaetomium, Trichoderma, Trichothecium, Cephalosporium, Verticimonosporium, and Monascus. Since each of these genera contain multiple species, the MycoTOX Profile is likely to detect hundreds of mold species. In addition, poisonous mushrooms also produce some of the same mycotoxins as the molds. This makes the MycoTOX Profile the most comprehensive test on the market and it is the most cost-effective.

MycoTOX pairs perfectly with the Organic Acids Test (OAT), GPL-TOX (Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile), and the Glyphosate Test. This gives you comprehensive testing to assess exposure to common environmental toxins and the damage that can be caused by this exposure, all at a great value, and all from one urine sample.

GPL-TOX (Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile)

Every day, we are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals through products like pharmaceuticals, pesticides, packaged foods, household products, and environmental pollution. As we have become more exposed to chemical-laden products and to toxic chemicals in food, air, and water, we have been confronted with an accelerating rate of chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, chemical sensitivity, autism spectrum disorders, ADD/AD(H)D, autoimmune disorders, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Because exposure to environmental pollutants has been linked to many chronic diseases, The Great Plains Laboratory has created GPL-TOX, a toxic non-metal chemical profile that screens for the presence of 173 different toxic chemicals including organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, benzene, xylene, vinyl chloride, pyrethroid insecticides, acrylamide, perchlorate, diphenyl phosphate, ethylene oxide, acrylonitrile, and more. This profile also includes Tiglylglycine (TG), a marker for mitochondrial disorders resulting from mutations of mitochondrial DNA. These mutations can be caused by exposure to toxic chemicals, infections, inflammation, and nutritional deficiencies.